Lisen Stibeck
Photographic Artist Lisen Stibeck works on long term projects. Her award winning photo book “Daughters” puts the spotlight on teenage identity. More recently, Lisen put the focus on the inner landscape of the psyche, opening up a world of dreams and archetypes as she delved into a form of magical realism. In her work, “Undertow”, her black & white imagery carries a suggestion of emerging narratives, at times evoking loss, grief and hope and her brilliant abstract color work are a celebration of life. The series “Women in the flow” shows strong faces, hidden identities, subtle shadows and fragments reflecting memories of love, youth and beauty… a narrative of women between centuries and cultures, between ancient traditions and brand-new identities. Lisen is based in Sweden and regularly spends time in Morocco and France.

Anatomy “Undertow”, France 2019

Aurora I “Women in the flow”, Marrakech 2018

Aurora II “Women in the flow”, Marrakech 2018

Aurora III “Women in the flow”, Marrakech 2018

Blueberries “Women in the flow”, Sweden 2021

Dots “Women in the flow”, Sweden 2021

Emulsion 1 “Undertow”, Oaxaca 2019

Emulsion 2 “Undertow”, Oaxaca 2019

Excavation “Undertow”, Oaxaca 2019

Fence “Undertow”, Sweden 2019

Flowers “Undertow”, Stockholm 2020

Garden Chair “Women in the flow”, Sweden 2021

Green Ridge “Undertow”, Morocco 2018

Hide and seek “Undertow”, Mexico 2019

House without nightwatch “Undertow”, Mexico 2019

Karma “Undertow”, Morocco 2018

Memory Lane “Undertow”, France 2019

Milla “Women in the flow”, Sweden 2021

Natasha “Undertow”, Marrakech 2020