Lisen Stibeck
Fine art
Unique fine art in a small and exclusive edition by the very best photographers in the world.
Lisen Stibeck
Undertow “Undertow”, Sweden 2017
Lisen Stibeck
Sheet Ice “Undertow”, Sweden 2017
Sebastiao Salgado
Valdés Peninsula, Argentina, September and October 2004
Sebastiao Salgado
The Brooks Range, Alaska, USA, June and July 2009
Sebastiao Salgado
Herd of Buffalos, Kafue National Park, Zambia, 2010
Sebastiao Salgado
Elephant (against light), Kafue National Park, Zambia, 2010
Sebastiao Salgado
Dinka Cattle Camp of Kei, Southern Sudan, 2006
Sebastiao Salgado
Marine Iguana. Galápagos, Ecuador, January, February and March, 2004
Sebastiao Salgado
Buffalos Vertical, Kafue National Park, Zambia, 2010
Sebastiao Salgado
Xingu, Mato Grosso, Brazil 2005
Sebastiao Salgado
Cauaburi River, Yanimami Indigenous Territory, State of Amazonas, 2018
Sebastiao Salgado