Valerie II, 2016, Unique artworkValerie II, 2016, Unique artwork
Tina Berning & Michelangelo Di Battista

Valerie II, 2016, Unique artwork

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Michelangelo Di Battista's photographic work, complemented by Tina Berning's applications, comments, and paintings. The results of this creative collaboration is these breathtaking portraits of fascinating women who stand out through their contemporary beauty and personality.

This one of a kind artwork is available in the following size:

73 x 168 cm / 28,7 x 66,1 inch 
Ink, Acrylics and Staples on Found Paper with Ditone Print

The artwork is signed, titled, and dated on the verso. 

Price €12 350, excl. VAT.


Kvinna Grafiskt
Format Liggande
Kategori Fine Art


En bild i den här kategorin levereras från fotografens studio eller från ett galleri, och kan därmed med skickas från vart som helst i världen. Uppskattad leveranstid  2-3 veckor.