Untitled #12 “A Familiar Place”
Simon Johansson

Untitled #12 “A Familiar Place”

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Stockholm. You are my companion through thick and thin. You see me trying to find my way in your complex labyrinth of squares, streets and cul-de-sacs. But I also see you. I return the gaze. Because it is impossible to evade your beauty, vulnerability and vanity. And your flaws. Your rottenness. I visit places where you bleed, I am there picking your scabs. Sometimes I grow tired of you and your easily broken promises. But I never give up on you. Walking here today, I stumble on old memories. It was many years ago; it was only a moment ago. - Simon Johansson

The photograph is available in the following size and editions:

29,7 x 42 cm / 11,7 x 16,5 inch
Fine Art Pigment print on acid free cotton rag
Edition of 10+2AP
Signed and numbered

"Untitled #12" a photography from the series "A Familiar Place" by Simon Johansson.

The artist’s work starts at €650, excl. VAT.


Svartvitt Kvinna
Format Stående
Kategori Fine Art


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